账户有没有最低存款额度限制?→Do I have to put a minimum amount of money into an RESP?
是否必须定期供款?→Do I have to make regular payments?
若没能按期供款会怎样?→What happens if I cannot make regular payments?
能否修改供款额度?→Can I change my contribution amounts?
有哪些投资选项、各个选项的优点是什么?→What are my investment choices? What are the benefits of each choice?
能否提前提款?若能,是否需要缴纳罚金?→Can I withdraw money if I need it? Are there any fees or penalties for withdrawing money early?
能否将RESP转让他人,或转到其他promoter?若能,要交多少钱?→Can I transfer the RESP to another person, or to another RESP provider? If so, what is the cost to transfer?
若孩子(受益人)没能上大学,RESP里的钱会怎样?→What will happen to my savings in the RESP if my child does not continue his or her education after high school?
(该计划)是否对受益人将来就读的项目的类型有要求?→Does the RESP provider limit the types of educational programs I can use my RESP to pay for?
提钱关闭RESP会怎样?→What happens if I close my RESP early?
受益人虽然接受高等教育、但非全日制学生会怎样?→What if my child decides to go to school part-time?
除了CESG的补贴,你们是否还提供ACESG、CLB及其他省政府的补贴?→Does the RESP provider offer all education savings incentives, including the Additional Canada Education Savings Grant, Canada Learning Bond and provincial grants?
是否会定期给我有关RESP账户及投资状态的记录?→Will you provide me with regular documentation on the status of my RESP and investments?
个人计划 Individual plan
Individual plan 只能有一个受益人,受益人与供款人之间不一定要有血缘关系,甚至供款人可以指定自己为受益人。