- 诚意聘请有进取心,热衷服务客户及以业绩为目标的代表。
- 在金融界具经验或拥有第二语言,如通晓普通话或广东话则更有优势,本公司将提供培训给合适的人才。
Knowledge First加拿大最大的教育基金公司,成立于1965年,是加拿大教育储蓄计划(RESP)提供固定回报的主要公司之一。拥有超过60亿资产及帮助超过500,000加拿大人为子女或孙子女获取专上教育。
有意者请传送履历至:hongri.li@kff.ca 或致电Henry 306 209 0239咨询。

Knowledge First Inc. is looking for professional sales experts with a high degree of initiative, the ability to communicate our value proposition, and a willingness to make a difference in the lives of Canadian families.
- We are looking to hire highly motivated Dealing Representatives who are passionate about customer service and are result-oriented.
- Outside sales experience in the financial sector and a second language are assets, but we will train individuals who want to succeed.
Headquartered in Toronto, Knowledge First Inc. is one of Canada’s leading providers of Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs). Heritage has assets of over $6 billion at December 31, 2018 and a track record of helping more tan 500,000 Canadians save for the post-secondary education of their children and grandchildren for over 50 years.
Please send your resume to hongri.li@kff.ca or contact us at 306 209 0239 for inquiries.